Buckland 30th September

Buckland 30th September

Belated report of Redwing on Wednesday at Buckland (per MRO)

- Buckland Warren: 24th October
Buckland Warren 27 Common Crossbill: Distant flight views only. J Dexter...

Crossbill 8 Buckland Warren Feeding in larches + fly over (numbers may be higher) (per J.Dexter)...

- Fieldfare Thursday 13th October
Tony Edwards from Aston reports a flock of Fieldfares numbering in excess fifty individuals.Alongside the great Brook toward the Buckland road end....

- Otmoor 15th December
The starling roost has now reduced to 30 birds. I do not expect numbers to recover to their peak levels but we will post here if they do. Also on the reserve this afternoon:Redshank 1Water rail 1Wigeon 50Teal 40Shoveler 12Gadwall 2Pochard 2Tufted duck...

- Otmoor 28th Nov
1+ Bearded Tit still near Kissing Gate to the 1st screen this morning + Sprawk (f) 2 Buzzard Red Kite Belated report of a Brent Goose from Wednesday 24th Complete weekend round up at the superb http://www.otmoorbirding.com...

