Buckland Warren: 24th October

Buckland Warren: 24th October

Buckland Warren
27 Common Crossbill: Distant flight views only.

J Dexter

- Buckland 15th February
Marsh Harrier flew over A420 between Buckland and the B.P garage c14:45. (per Jon Prowse)...

- Buckland 30th September
Belated report of Redwing on Wednesday at Buckland (per MRO)...

- Childrey Warren: 22nd January
Childrey Warren Corn Bunting Mark Merritt...

- Buckland Warren 31st December
23 Crossbill Buckland Warren here (per J.Dexter)...

- Fieldfare Thursday 13th October
Tony Edwards from Aston reports a flock of Fieldfares numbering in excess fifty individuals.Alongside the great Brook toward the Buckland road end....

