Fieldfare Thursday 13th October

Fieldfare Thursday 13th October

Tony Edwards from Aston reports a flock of Fieldfares numbering in excess fifty individuals.Alongside the great Brook toward the Buckland road end.

- Aston 19th January
Waxwing 4 Aston near Church Farm House today (per Tony Edwards)...

- Aston Rowant: Aston Rowant Nnr: 21st October
Aston Rowant: Aston Rowant NNR 2 Raven: Going through the M40 cutting alongside the NNR had a good view of a pair of ravens flying alongside 4 red kites. Rachel Everett...

- Linnets
A phone call from Alan Larkman telling me about a huge flock of Linnets he and David Daniels had been watching in the Oil Seed Rape stubble field lying to the right alongside the entrance road to the BBOWT Chimney reserve public car park resulted in breathtaking...

- Swanning Around
Along with the eight Tundra Swans a rare sighting of a brace of Tony Edwards were both present to view these rather graceful birds, the chances of birders with the same name from Aston and Watchfield both being on the Cote back road at the same...

- 4 "winter Swans" At Shifford
Apparently Tony Edwards has found 4 "winter swans" - probably Bewick's though they were rather distant - in amongst the large mute swan flock that overwinter in the Shifford area....

