

A phone call from Alan Larkman telling me about a huge flock of Linnets he and David Daniels had been watching in the Oil Seed Rape stubble field lying to the right alongside the entrance road to the BBOWT Chimney reserve public car park resulted in breathtaking views of several flocks of Linnets totaling in excess of two thousand birds , not at all approachable keeping either to the middle of this large field or making for the far side if I changed position. Met Albert Allen there and our very rough estimates are 2,000 plus Linnets, 200 plus Fieldfare and 100 Starlings.

- Old Shifford, 17th January
Linnets 250-300 Chaffinches c150 Sparrowhawk Clackers...

- Churn 19th September 2015
Northern Wheatear 8 European Stonechat 3 (2m 1f) Whinchat 1 Linnet/Goldfinch flock 100+ (mainly Linnets) Yellowhammer flock 16 Meadow Pipit flock 80+ Common Whitethroat 2 Blackcap 1 Common Chiffchaff 7+ Barn Owl 1 Eurasian Sparrowhawk 2 Common Kestrel...

- Otmoor Saturday 17th Morning
Linnets & Goldfinch courtesy of John Reynolds 2 Bearded Tits m and f near Noke turn on left 3 Whitefronted Geese Peregrine m 120+ Linnets 80+ Reed Buntings both by hide 1000's Goldies 1000 Wigeon Bark...

- Alkerton 13th Feb
Merlin hunting Linnets Alkerton Tip (per M.Ribbons)...

- Linnet
OOS conservation officer has winter/spring fed Linnets for the last two year and it looks as if it paying off -i'm finding Linnets every time I bird - previously these sites were barren. camboy...

