Churn 19th September 2015

Churn 19th September 2015

Northern Wheatear 8
European Stonechat 3 (2m 1f)
Whinchat 1

Linnet/Goldfinch flock 100+ (mainly Linnets)
Yellowhammer flock 16
Meadow Pipit flock 80+

Common Whitethroat 2
Blackcap 1
Common Chiffchaff 7+

Barn Owl 1
Eurasian Sparrowhawk 2
Common Kestrel 2

- Bicester Wetlands 2nd September
Little Egret 2 Green Sandpiper 10 Dunlin 1 Eurasian Sparrowhawk 1m Willow Warbler 5 Common Chiffchaff 7 Blackcap 3 Common Whitethroat 1 Access to the reserve requires a key available from the B.O.S...

- Lollingdon Hill, 19th Aug
7 Wheatear, 1 Whinchat, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Common Redstart, 2 Common Whitethroat, 4 Blackcap, 2 Willow Warbler, 5 Chiffchaff, 127 House Martin and 39 Swallow south overhead just before rain hit....

- Marcham Garden Sightings
1 silent Chiffchaff feeding in large birch tree during drizzle.  First migrant arrival. Last sighting of regular overwintering female Blackcap was on the 9th March Flock of c40 Goldfinch for many weeks, largest flock recorded overwintering in area...

- Farmoor Early Pm April 1st
Black Redstart 1 Northern Wheatear 1m Sand Martin 13 Rock Pipit 1 Meadow Pipit 6+ Common Redshank 2 Dunlin 1 Common Sandpiper 1 Little Gull 1 ad winter Black headed Gull 1100+ Common Goldeneye 23 Little Grebe 3 Shrike Meadow Eurasian Wigeon 15 Eurasian...

- Chipping Norton 10th January
Golden Plover 204 Yellowhammer/Chaffinch/Greenfinch - mixed flock 60 + Eurasian Sparrowhawk 1f...

