Marcham Garden Sightings

Marcham Garden Sightings

1 silent Chiffchaff feeding in large birch tree during drizzle.  First migrant arrival.
Last sighting of regular overwintering female Blackcap was on the 9th March
Flock of c40 Goldfinch for many weeks, largest flock recorded overwintering in area / roosting in large dense conifer.

- Blenheim / Witney Lake, 3rd November
Blenheim, Combe End Redpoll x 2 Raven Redwing 2 large flocks each over 100 Witney Lake Siskin c20+ Goldfinch c40+ Redpoll x3 Grey Wagtail Large tit flock alongside river Windrush including at least 6 Goldcrests Chiffchaff Kingfisher Clackers...

- Churn 19th September 2015
Northern Wheatear 8 European Stonechat 3 (2m 1f) Whinchat 1 Linnet/Goldfinch flock 100+ (mainly Linnets) Yellowhammer flock 16 Meadow Pipit flock 80+ Common Whitethroat 2 Blackcap 1 Common Chiffchaff 7+ Barn Owl 1 Eurasian Sparrowhawk 2 Common Kestrel...

- Wolvercote: 12th November

- Grimsbury Reservoir 4th September
Further to Gareth's post Badger and myself checked out the roving tit flock between 1000-1200. We heard the Willow Tit call once early on but did not see it and later we also saw and heard a Marsh Tit in the roving flock. The flock is quite large...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 4th September
Grimsbury Reservoir Willow Tit: This one bird seems to be regular at the moment and could be a target to some of you in the county. It is not very local but all three sightings this week it was with a large roving tit flock that is mailny Long-tailed...

