Buckland 15th February

Buckland 15th February

Marsh Harrier flew over A420 between Buckland and the B.P garage c14:45.

(per Jon Prowse)

- Buckland Warren: 24th October
Buckland Warren 27 Common Crossbill: Distant flight views only. J Dexter...

- Buckland Warren 31st December
23 Crossbill Buckland Warren here (per J.Dexter)...

Crossbill 8 Buckland Warren Feeding in larches + fly over (numbers may be higher) (per J.Dexter)...

- Fieldfare Thursday 13th October
Tony Edwards from Aston reports a flock of Fieldfares numbering in excess fifty individuals.Alongside the great Brook toward the Buckland road end....

- Linnets
There are currently some one thousand Linnets feeding in the paddocks and garden at Meadow Farm situated alongside the Bampton/Buckland road.If you wish to make a morning visit please contact the owner Alan Larkman  alan.larkman@btinternet.com ...

