
Crossbill 8 Buckland Warren Feeding in larches + fly over (numbers may be higher)

(per J.Dexter)

- Farmoor Reservoir 20th January
Farmoor II 7 Goldeneye: 2 male, 5 fem. 4 Little Grebe Chiffchaff 1 near Shrike Meadow Peregrine: Flew S carrying prey, spooked hundreds of gulls. (Anthony Cheke) Pintail 19 Shelduck 3 Wigeon & Teal flock c800 (per Dai) More from the Res at The Insomniac...

- Bernwood Forest: 14th April
Bernwood Forest 5 Common Crossbill: 2m 3f close views feeding in conifers. Colin Oram...

- Bagley Wood: 8th February
Bagley Wood 20 Common Crossbill: Approximate numbers. SP504020. Woodcock: SP504020. Phil Chapman...

- Buckland Warren 31st December
23 Crossbill Buckland Warren here (per J.Dexter)...

- Linnets
There are currently some one thousand Linnets feeding in the paddocks and garden at Meadow Farm situated alongside the Bampton/Buckland road.If you wish to make a morning visit please contact the owner Alan Larkman ...

