Bagley Wood: 8th February

Bagley Wood: 8th February

Bagley Wood
20 Common Crossbill: Approximate numbers. SP504020.
Woodcock: SP504020.

Phil Chapman

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 19th February
Grimsbury Reservoir Peregrine: Over - per Clive Payne. Bagley Wood 4 Common Crossbill: Just a quick look and at least 4 - 2 seen well and 2 calling/seen briefly. Radley GP: Thrupp Lake Little Egret Gareth Blockley...

- Bagley Wood: 4th February
Bagley Wood Common Crossbill: Heard in flight on 2 occasions. 5 Lesser Redpoll: 5 seen well but probably many others. 30 Siskin: At least 30 in small flocks. Nick Suckling...

- Bagley Wood: 29th January
Bagley Wood 2 Common Crossbill: 1m, 1f near A34 footbridge just after 09:00. Peter Law...

- Bagley Wood: 4th December
Bagley Wood 8 Common Crossbill Peter Law...

- Goingbirding: 15th April
Stanton St. John: Stanton Great Wood Cuckoo: One seen and heard. Cuckoo: One heard in Holly Wood. David Brown Oakley Wood 1+Crossbill Willow Tit Redpoll (per Phil Barnett)...

