Otmoor 15th December

Otmoor 15th December

The starling roost has now reduced to 30 birds. I do not expect numbers to recover to their peak levels but we will post here if they do.

Also on the reserve this afternoon:
Redshank 1
Water rail 1
Wigeon 50
Teal 40
Shoveler 12
Gadwall 2
Pochard 2
Tufted duck 8
Bullfinch 10

Peter Barker has also received a belated report of a bittern seen from the second screen last Wednesday.

Mike Shurmer

- December Highlights
Iceland Gull by Andy Last Once again the concrete basin took most of the limelight this month and once again it involved a pelagic county mega; also a potential first for Britain but only a second for Oxon stopped off at nearby Stanton...

- Otmoor 31st March
Ferruginous Duck (drake) still from the 2nd screen & showing well 09:19 (per Bark featuring The Otmoor Massive) Barn Owl: N end of reed bed. Hen Harrier: ring-tail past 1st screen. Bittern 7 White-fronted Geese 3 Ruff 8 Redshank 3 Curlew 40 Dunlin...

Otmoor this evening (per Oz) Starling roost tonight Circa 15000 birds two Hen Harriers Two Sparrowhawks one Red Kite Whooper Swan Greenaways this morning only Also Goosander: fm. 2nd screen. 2 Hen Harrier: juvs. Peregrine 4 Siskin 15 Lesser Redpoll 30...

- Little Stints At Farmoor
Hi, I've just received photos of two adult Little Stints taken at Farmoor on Wednesday evening (27th) this week. I'll ask the photographer if I can post them....

- Otmoor 1st November
Waders and wildfowl numbers are slowly building up. In front of the hide this morning were: Lapwing 120 Golden Plover 84 Wigeon 120 Teal 110 Little Grebe 1 Also on the reserve: Peregrine 1 Raven 1 Stonechat 1 We have had no reports of the bearded tits...

