Whitecross Green Woods July 31

Whitecross Green Woods July 31

Brown Hairstreak picture taken with my Blackberry early afternoon

- Otmoor 16 August
2 Marsh Harriers 2 Green Sandpipers2 Greenshank 2 Black-tailed Godwit 1 Little-ringed Plover juv 1 Dunlin 5+ Snipe 200+ Lapwing (Brown Hairstreak - Roman Road) Lapwing (c) Stephen Burch Green Sandpiper (c) Stephen Burchwww.stephenburch.com Garganey...

- Otmoor Rspb Long Meadow 23rd August
Spotted Flycatcher 2+ Common Redstart 3+ Lesser Whitethroat 3 Still at least 7 Brown Hairstreak along Roman Road...

- Otmoor.a.m. 12th. August.
1 Turtle Dove 4 Green Sandpiper 2 L. Egret 4 Common Tern (2juv) 3 Snipe 2 Wigeon (coming into colour) 2 Gadwall 1 Greenshank 1 Common Sandpiper 2 Sparrowhawk (1 juv) 150+ Lapwing 1 Brown Hairstreak (f) ...

- Nightingale 20th May
Nightingale (heard) at Whitecross Green Wood (per MTM OOS)...

- Otmoor Pictures 2nd April
Garganey on AshgraveLapwing acrobatics over Big OtmoorSinging Chiffchaff, one of several along the BridlewayWillow Warbler with insect, Car Park Field Weekend round-up at Otmoor Birding Butterflies seen along the Roman Road:Speckled Wood (picture)Comma...

