Otmoor pictures 2nd April

Otmoor pictures 2nd April

Garganey on Ashgrave
Lapwing acrobatics over Big Otmoor
Singing Chiffchaff, one of several along the Bridleway
Willow Warbler with insect, Car Park Field

Weekend round-up at Otmoor Birding

Butterflies seen along the Roman Road:
Speckled Wood (picture)
Comma (picture)
Peacock (picture)
Brimstone (no picture)
Orange-tip (no picture)

All photos (c) Nigel Forrow

- Farmoor 2nd June
1 Arctic Tern (per James Evry) 3 Sanderling 1 Turnstone 1 Ringed Plover 1 Oystercatcher 5 Red-crested Pochard Red-crested Pochard picture courtesy of Dai Turnstone picture courtesy of James Evry ...

- Otmoor 18th Early Morning
Marsh Harrier 1 Cetti's Warbler (h) at second screen Stonechat Chiffchaff Redwings Golden Plover Kingfisher Marsh Harrier picture courtesy of John Reynolds. ...

- Otmoor 31st August
Redstart 4+ Long Meadow Whinchat 4+ South Pil Lesser Whitethroat 5+ Long Meadow Whitethroat 4 Black Cap 2+ Chiffchaff 4 Willow Warbler 4 Raven 2 All the weekend highlights tomorrow on Otmoor Birding Redstart picture courtesey  of Stephen...

- Otmoor 13th April
Bearded Tit f Wheatear Lesser-whitethroat 4+ Sedge Warbler 6+ Blackcap 6 Willow Warbler 8+ Raven Dunlin 4 Oystercatcher 2 Little-Ringed Plover Perigrine Hen Harrier r/t from 2nd screen Reed Warbler 1st screen (per Gareth Blockley) Complete weekend...

- Whitecross Green Woods July 31
Brown Hairstreak picture taken with my Blackberry early afternoon...

