Otmoor 13th April

Bearded Tit f
Lesser-whitethroat 4+
Sedge Warbler 6+
Blackcap 6
Willow Warbler 8+
Dunlin 4
Oystercatcher 2
Little-Ringed Plover
Hen Harrier r/t from 2nd screen
Reed Warbler 1st screen
(per Gareth Blockley)
Complete weekend round
up tomorrow on
Otmoor BirdingWillow Warbler picturecourtesey of Mark Chivers
L.R.P courtesey of Peter Law
Otmoor 5th April
Garganey (dk) on Ashgrave from the wetlands watch hide though distant Bearded Tit (f) near bridleway by crossroads Oystercatcher Willow Warbler 3+ Sedge Warbler northern reedbeds Reed Warbler along Bridleway Blackcap Bearded Tit photo courtesey of Andy...
Otmoor 20th April
2 Lesser Whitethroat Malt Pit 1 Garganey Ashgrave (JH) Good numbers of: Sedge warbler Blackcap, Willow warbler Chiffchaff Wheatear First lapwings have hatched. David Wilding 2 Reed Warbler by vols hut along bridleway 2 Grasshopper Warbler in the Car Park...
Otmoor And Farmoor
Otmoor 9 Warbler species this morningLesser WhitethroatCommon WhitethroatGarden WarblerWillow WarblerChiffchaffBlackcapGrasshopper WarblerSedge WarblerReed Warbler Farmoor9 Little Gulls on F1 until 0845 (when they flew off high to the east)...
Cholsey, 12th April
Otmoor 10th April
Marsh Harrier Female seen flying over the reedbed before flying off high S/E at around 10:30 Wayne Bull Lesser Whitethroat singing from near the car park Whitethroat Grasshopper Warbler Sedge Warbler Reed Warbler Cuckoo Yellow Wag (per Pete) 3 Garganey...