Otmoor 10th April

Otmoor 10th April

Marsh Harrier Female seen flying over the reedbed before
flying off high S/E at around 10:30
Wayne Bull

Lesser Whitethroat singing from near the car park
Grasshopper Warbler
Sedge Warbler
Reed Warbler
Yellow Wag (per Pete)
3 Garganey (Big Otmoor)
Greenshank (Big Otmoor)
2 L.R.P
3 Ruff (rep)

1 Sparrowhawk
3 Curlew
2 Swallow
1Pr. Linnet
Lots Of Blackcap
(per Paul Greenaway)

Complete weekend round up at http://www.surfbirds.com/blog/OtmoorBirding

- Otmoor: 16th April
5 Chiffchaff Reed Warbler 2 Sedge Warbler 12 Willow Warbler 2 Whitethroat 2 House Martin 25 Swallow 6 Sand Martin 2 Water Rail Dunlin 3 Curlew 15 Redshank 3 Snipe: Drumming over Greenaways (over bridleway). Peter Coombes Willow Warbler Otmoor (c) Bark...

- Otmoor 26th May
3 Grasshopper Warbler (1 in carpark field. 2 near second screen). Oystercatcher: On first scrape (Big Otmoor). 10 Redshank: Unusual sighting 10 hovering together in a group, just off the ground, on big Otmoor. Garganey (Male) flying from Big Otmoor onto...

- Otmoor 23rd July
Little Egret 7 Black-tailed Godwit Green Sand 2 Hobby 4 Kestrel 2 Sprawk Redstart 6+ Garden Warbler Lesser Whitethroat 2+ Whitethroat Chiff-chaff c10 Willow Warbler Reed Warbler (family party of 4) Full Weekend round up of all of Otmoors Birds &...

- Otmoor And Farmoor
Otmoor 9 Warbler species this morningLesser WhitethroatCommon WhitethroatGarden WarblerWillow WarblerChiffchaffBlackcapGrasshopper WarblerSedge WarblerReed Warbler Farmoor9 Little Gulls on F1 until 0845 (when they flew off high to the east)...

- Cholsey, 12th April

