Otmoor 16 August

2 Marsh Harriers
2 Green Sandpipers
2 Greenshank
2 Black-tailed Godwit
1 Little-ringed Plover juv
1 Dunlin
5+ Snipe
200+ Lapwing
(Brown Hairstreak - Roman Road)
Lapwing (c) Stephen Burch
Green Sandpiper (c) Stephen Burch
Garganey 1st scn
c350 Black-headed Gull
130 Lesser black-backed Gull
6 Little Egret
2 Kingfisher
Whinchat (Noke Farm)
9+ Yellow Wagtail
No further sign of Stint sp
Whinchat & Black-wit by Badger
Otmoor Webs Totals, 18/1
Bittern- 1 Black-headed gull- 245 Canada goose- 359 Coot- 72 Cormorant- 5 Gadwall- 36 Golden plover- 3129 Great crested grebe- 2 Grey heron- 3 Greylag goose- 134 Kingfisher- 2 Lapwing- 3033 Lesser black-backed gull- 3 Mallard- 186 Moorhen- 2 Mute swan-...
Otmoor 19th August
2. Black Tailed Godwit. 8. Yellow Wagtail. 2 Marsh Harrier. 2 Hobby Green Sandpiper. 2 Greenshank. Water Rail Kingfisher Redstart 2 along path to 2nd scn (per Pete Roby) Whinchat 4 Noke Farm (per Pete Roby) Mistle Thrush. Saunders Field. Tawny...
Otmoor.a.m. 18th August.
1 Green Sandpiper 1 Greenshank 1 L.R.Plover 1 Marsh Harrier (Ad F.) 1 Cuckoo (juv) 1 Sparrowhawk 2 Hobby 2 Whinchat 3 Black-tailed Godwit 1 Marsh Harrier (juv M.) per Jack Davies. 17 Yellow Wagtail Islip On community hall...
Rspb Otmoor Webs Count 3rd Feb
Mute swan 55, Greylag goose 243, Canada goose 329, Wigeon 3421, Gadwall 20, Teal 2197, Mallard 154, Pintail 184, Shoveler 255, Pochard 52, Tufted duck 29, Great crested grebe 1, Cormorant 3, Grey heron 5, Moorhen 3, Coot 153, Golden plover 3740, Lapwing...
Otmoor 20th September
Ruff Dunlin Green Sandpiper 4 Black-tailed Godwit 2 (per Peter Coombes) Merlin Ashgrave (per Peter Coombes) Whinchat 1 (Noke) Wheatear 3 Yellow Wagtail 3...