Otmoor 20th September

Otmoor 20th September

Green Sandpiper 4
Black-tailed Godwit 2 (per Peter Coombes)
Merlin Ashgrave (per Peter Coombes)
Whinchat 1 (Noke)
Wheatear 3
Yellow Wagtail 3

- Otmoor: 19th February
5 Black-tailed Godwit: Big Otmoor. Curlew: Greenaways. 15 Dunlin: Big Otmoor. 4 Ruff: Big Otmoor. Hen Harrier: Reedbed. Chiffchaff Peregrine Peter Coombes Great spotted Woodpecker courtesey of Peter Coombes...

- Otmoor: 16th February
Otmoor 2 Bearded Tit 3 Dunlin 5 Black-tailed Godwit 5 Ruff Sanderling Grey Plover Peter Coombes...

- Otmoor 7th February.
2 Short-eared Owls (hunting) 1 Ringtail Harrier Stoneshank Grey Plover (Big Otmoor) 13 Ruff 12 (Ashgrave and 1 on big otmoor) 3 Black-tailed Godwit (over Big Otmoor) Peter Coombes 2 ringtail Hen Harriers flying together down eastern edge of Greenaways...

- Otmoor: 4th February
Otmoor Black-tailed Godwit: Big Otmoor. 42 Ruff: 32 on Ashgrave and a further 10 on big Otmoor. Hen Harrier: fem. Car Park Field. Peter Coombes...

- Otmoor: 18th September
Marsh Harrier (juv) 8 Whinchat Wheatear 15 Snipe Kingfisher Peter Coombes  The Otmoor Blogger Evening Ruff Green Sandpiper 8 Common Sandpiper 1 (Badger)...

