Nightingale 20th May

Nightingale 20th May

Nightingale (heard) at Whitecross Green Wood
(per MTM OOS)

- Port Meadow 20th January
Male Goosander courtesy of Alec Nightingale Goosander 4 (3dk) on Thames south of the weir at Wolvercote Shelduck 2 Redshank 2 (per Alec Nightingale) Female Goosander courtesy of Alec Nightingale ...

- Upper Arncott 7th May
Nightingale singing on M.O.D land at 4.15 a.m...

- Oxon/bucks Border Nr Thame 12th April
All four Garganey courtesy of Alec Nightingale Garganey 4 (3m) still at Mead Farm near Thame c15:30 (per Alec Nightingale)...

- Otmoor.a.m. 27th November.
1 Tree Sparrow (feeders per Jack) 1 Ringtail Harrier (per Jack) C. 50 Yellowhammer ( by new hide) 6+ Bullfinch. 1 Marsh Tit. 1 Kingfisher (per Alec Nightingale) photo courtesey of Alec Nightingale ...

- Stanton Harcourt 19th April
2 Nightingale (both male) heard only Tawney Owl Cuckoo (per Dave Lowe)...

