Water Eaton 5th April

Water Eaton 5th April

Probable Great White Egret over Water Eaton park & ride this morning
heading east at 08:20

(per Phil Brown)

- Farmoor 19th July
Great White Egret probable flying N/E over Wytham Woods at midday Whimbrel Ringed Plover No sign of the Black Terns this morning (per The Wickster)...

- Otmoor 2nd November
Bittern over reed beds a.m Bearded Tits heard only in reed beds (per Oz) Hen Harrier (ringtail) Peregrine Little Egret Water Rail Raven 2 Marsh Tit on feeders Lesser Redpoll Whinchat Stonechat c4 No sign of the Great white Egret...

- Cassington Gps 23rd August
Great white Egret  relocated at Cassington GPs by Roger Wyatt and still present at 18:00. Heading west from Oxford on the A40 take the left hand turn after the large layby (often with a burger van) on to the haul road leading to the Hanson works...

- Water Eaton: 3rd June
Water Eaton Little Owl: SP518119. Yellow Wagtail: Flew down into crop field from a high perch: possibly nesting?. SP518119. Steve Goddard ...

- Goingbirding: 18th March
Water Eaton 2 Tree Sparrow: At least two: singing, so possible breeding?. SP516119. Steve Goddard ...

