Farmoor 19th July

Farmoor 19th July

Great White Egret probable flying N/E over Wytham Woods at midday
Ringed Plover
No sign of the Black Terns this morning

(per The Wickster)

- The White Morning To Be At Farmoor F1
White-winged Gull ! L.B-backed adult with all black in primaries replaced with pure white. Also Mallard with body plumage white; remaining feathering as normal. Two unique sights. Probable Sanderling flew over. (The Wickster). Feeding Common Terns departing...

- Farmoor 23rd August
Great White Egret      From the Pink Hill hide 10:00a.m                                         ...

- Water Eaton 5th April
Probable Great White Egret over Water Eaton park & ride this morning heading east at 08:20 (per Phil Brown)...

- Port Meadow 17th March
5 Redshank 4 Dunlin 1 Oystercatcher 3 Shelduck No sign of Little Ringed Plover this morning. (per The Wickster)...

- Farmoor 6th April
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II Slavonian Grebe: by moored fishing boats this morning. Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway 10 White Wagtail: minimum - on causway this morning. Tom Coyne No further sign of the Sandwich Terns (2) by 10a.m but 1w/s Little Gull on...

