GoingBirding: 18th March

GoingBirding: 18th March

Water Eaton
2 Tree Sparrow: At least two: singing, so possible breeding?. SP516119.

Steve Goddard

- Lwv Pit 4: 12th February
LWV Pit 4 6 Red-crested Pochard: 4m, 2f. 16:00. Egyptian Goose: 2. 16:00. Near Foxley Farm, around buildings beside B4449 Tree Sparrow: one seen, part of a larger flock. SP424082. 16:00. Steve Goddard...

- Wolvercote: 6th September
Wolvercote Tree Sparrow: Briefly spotted in back garden. SP490100. Steve Goddard...

- Balscote: Balscote Quarry: 30th April
Balscote: Balscote Quarry Dotterel: with3 golden plovers.  Corn Bunting: singing. 2 Tree Sparrow Michael Hunt Between 16:30 & 17:00 Whimbrel 1 Little Ringed Plover 1 Lapwing 2 Northern Wheatear 4 Yellow Wagtail 2 Tree Sparrow 7 no sign of the...

- Rushy Common 27th January
Temminck's Stint still. Near Foxley Farm, Stanton Harcourt Road 7 Tree Sparrow: At least seven in a loose flock in roadside hedgerows and farm buildings. SP425084. Steve Goddard...

- Water Eaton: 3rd June
Water Eaton Little Owl: SP518119. Yellow Wagtail: Flew down into crop field from a high perch: possibly nesting?. SP518119. Steve Goddard ...

