Wolvercote: 6th September

Wolvercote: 6th September

Tree Sparrow: Briefly spotted in back garden. SP490100.

Steve Goddard

- Wolvercote: 1st March
Wolvercote 2 Raven: Flying east over Wolvercote Lakes, calling. SP496101. 12:30. Steve Goddard...

- Wolvercote: 22nd May
Wolvercote Oystercatcher: One flying over my back garden! alerted to it by its call. SP490099. Steve Goddard...

- Wolvercote: 12th June
Wolvercote Siskin: ad male; breeding colours. Feeding in back garden!. Steve Goddard...

- Waxwings 5th April
Wolvercote 30 Waxwing Flock of 30 or so, took off from a tree about 100 metres away when I went in my back garden and flew out of eyeshot: unfortunately no bins, but they sounded like Waxwings and were the right size and behaviour. Went on a run to try...

- Waxwings 10th March
42 Waxwing Large flock calling in tree by Wolvercote Village Hall (same tree as on 29/1/11). Gone by 08.50. (per Steve Goddard) 5 Waxwings Kidlington High Street briefly near Lloyds TSB in small tree by Oxford Road late morning then flew towards the Audi...

