Otmoor 2nd November

Otmoor 2nd November

Bittern over reed beds a.m
Bearded Tits heard only in reed beds (per Oz)
Hen Harrier (ringtail)
Little Egret
Water Rail
Raven 2
Marsh Tit on feeders
Lesser Redpoll
Stonechat c4

No sign of the Great white Egret

- Otmoor 18th August
Harrier species (ringtail) reported over reed beds c10:00 Green Sandpiper 1+ Marsh Harrier c28 Yellow Wagtail Water Rail 10 Snipe Turtle Dove 1 Whinchat 5 Wheatear Raven 3 Spotted Flycatcher Tree Creeper Cuckoo reported early morning PR & PG ...

- Otmoor 8th January
Bearded Tits  - Heard calling from the bridleway in the reed bed towards Noke. c100 yds before Noke turn where the hedge ends and you can see the reeds. Peregrine -  Big Otmoor Pintail - 9 on Big Otmoor Little Egret  - Ashgrave Stonechat...

- Otmoor Rspb 13th September
this morning Marsh Harrier 1m Hobby 2 Raven 2 Little Egret 3 Water Rail 1 Common Snipe 5 Green Sandpiper 1 Kingfisher 1 Whinchat 1 per Andy Last Yellow Wagtail 1 Reed Warbler 1 Willow/Chiffs many Otmoor Massive...

- Standlake Common, 29th March
Hen Harrier 1 ringtail Whitefronts 2ad Peregrine 1m Water Rail 1 heard Oystercatcher 4 Curlew 1 Goosander 13 Egyptian Goose 5 Pintail 2 Little Egret 2 Teal 406, Wigeon 256, Shoveler 69, Gadwall 49 RC Pochard 15 Lesser Redpoll 3...

- Otmoor 23rd October
Bearded Tit at least 3 (3 seen at the 1st screen this p.m by (Terry Tossel) 2 seen at the 2nd screen by Ron Louch this p.m) Hen Harrier (ringtail) over Greenaways this p.m (per Terry Tossel) Water Rail heard only in the reed beds Raven over...

