Standlake Common, 29th March

Standlake Common, 29th March

Hen Harrier 1 ringtail
Whitefronts 2ad
Peregrine 1m
Water Rail 1 heard
Oystercatcher 4
Curlew 1
Goosander 13
Egyptian Goose 5
Pintail 2
Little Egret 2
Teal 406, Wigeon 256, Shoveler 69, Gadwall 49
RC Pochard 15
Lesser Redpoll 3

- Radley Lakes 28th December
4 Little grebe 1 Heron 3 Egyptian Goose Wigeon Teal Pochard Shoveler Gadwall 1 Green sandpiper 1 Cetti's warbler 1 Lesser redpoll 3 Siskin ...

- Standlake Common, Sat 9th Mar
Kittiwake, 1 adult - pit 60 Med Gull, 1 adult - pit 60 Little Egret, 2 Bittern Smew, redhead pit 60 Goosander, 12 RC Pochard, 32 Pintail, 13 Oystercatcher, 3 Redshank, 1 Barn Owl, 1 Kingfisher, 1 Lesser Redpoll, 2 Most duck have now left, just 188 Teal,...

- Standlake, 1st April
Hen Harrier, 1 ringtail 11.00-11.05 pit 60 (also there earlier per Clackers) Redshank 7 Green Sand 2 Goosander 1 RC Pochard 8 Egyptian Goose 3 A few lingering Wigeon, Shoveler, Teal & Gadwall Good numbers of Blackcaps & Chiffies...

- Radley Gravel Pits/lakes 8th Feb
Wigeon,Teal,Mallard,Shoveler,Tufted duck,Pochard, 4 Little Grebe 14 Cormorant 4 Heron 60+ Gadwall 2 Red Kite 1 Buzzard 1 Water Rail (calling) 50+ Lapwing 1 Green Sandpiper 2 Common Gull 2 Stock Dove 4 Skylark 4 Song Thrush 1 Bullfinch 1 Lesser Redpoll...

- Standlake, 12 Dec
As well as the RB Merganser the area held the following (pit 60 unless stated) 23 Goosander 330 Wigeon (270 pit 60, 60 pit 38) 26 Teal 5 Shoveler 52 Gadwall 4 RC Pochard (mf pit 60, 2m pit 28) 11 Siskin 1 Water Rail (heard, pit 28)...

