Wallingford 29th October

Wallingford 29th October

Black Redstart Wallingford on Barley Close (per RBA).

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- Black Redstart - Wallingford
A Black Redstart around St Mary-le-more Church in the centre of Wallingford today, on the church and in the graveyard. (per RB).  Photo courtesy of Grzegorz Hebda ...

- Wallingford: Wallingford Bridge: 1st July
Wallingford: Wallingford Bridge 5 Sandwich Tern: Flying up the Thames calling loudly then gained height & flew south. 19:55. Jed Cleeter...

- Goingbirding: 28th March
Wallingford 2 Grey Partridge: A first-ever garden tick!. David Lovegrove ...

- Goingbirding: 23rd March
Wallingford 14 Yellowhammer: m + f. Feeding on the seed scatter in my back garden. David Lovegrove ...

- Caspian Gull At Appleford Yesterday
By way of some light relief from Waxwings, a 2nd winter Caspian Gull visited the Spit Pit briefly yesterday. This bird has been seen on and off since the beginning of October. Paul Chandler reports the 10 Waxwings are still present this morning in Waitrose...

