Black Redstart - Wallingford

Black Redstart - Wallingford

A Black Redstart around St Mary-le-more Church in the centre of Wallingford today, on the church and in the graveyard. (per RB).

 Photo courtesy of Grzegorz Hebda

- Wallingford 25th November
Black Redstart @ St Mary-le-More Church late morning. Black Audi Birding ...

- Wallingford 29th October
Black Redstart Wallingford on Barley Close (per RBA). Sent from my iPhone...

- Garsington: 11th September
Record shot courtesy of Stephen Lockey Pied Flycatcher After retrospective close look at afternoons photographs. Found in the hedge where the land drops away below the Church. No parking at the Church but side of the road 200 yds back uphill towards...

- Black Redstart Oxford
The wintering Black Redstart at Christ Church was still present last monday 6th February. Possibly viewable from Christ Church Meadows?...

- Black Redstart Oxford 17th Jan
'The last two days at work have been greatly improved by the presence of a Black Redstart seen hawking and perching on the south wall of Tom Quad, Christ Church.' (Jane Nelson Oxonbirds )...

