Wallingford 25th November

Wallingford 25th November

Black Redstart @ St Mary-le-More Church late morning.

Black Audi Birding

- Wallingford 28th November
Again no sign of Black Redstart in the graveyard of St Mary-le-more 11:16....

- Wallingford 29th October
Black Redstart Wallingford on Barley Close (per RBA). Sent from my iPhone...

- Downs Churn/blewbury 4th October
European Stonechat 1m Common ChiffChaff 8+ Lesser Black Backed Gull 1000+ on newly following ploughed land Swallow 2 Black Audi Birding...

- Otmoor 15th July
female Redstart (c) Badger 3 Redstart: 1m/2f (et al) Black-tailed Godwit: Flying (Big Otmoor). Cuckoo: juv. Being fed by Reed warblers in reeds in front of first screen. Grasshopper Warbler (Peter Coombes) Otmoor Birding Purple Emperor Bernwood...

- Black Redstart Oxford
The wintering Black Redstart at Christ Church was still present last monday 6th February. Possibly viewable from Christ Church Meadows?...

