Downs Churn/Blewbury 4th October

Downs Churn/Blewbury 4th October

European Stonechat 1m
Common ChiffChaff 8+
Lesser Black Backed Gull 1000+ on newly following ploughed land
Swallow 2

Black Audi Birding

- Upper Wardington: 23rd Aug 2015
Mediterranean Gull, adult 2 Yellow-legged Gulls With c.500 Lesser Black-backed Gulls in ploughed field off the A361 (per Mike Pollard)...

- Farmoor Reservoir 13th September
12:30-14:00 Ruff 2 m & f Common Sandpiper 1 Dunlin 2+ (per The Wickster) Black tailed Godwit 1 Northern Wheatear 1 European Stonechat 1m Black Audi Birding...

- Port Meadow: 23rd October
Port Meadow Curlew 100 Snipe: Approx count. 2 Dunlin 1000 Golden Plover 8 Common Gull: 7 x ad., 1 x 1w. Great Black-backed Gull Also Short-eared Owl seen a couple of times over the last few days Adam Hartley...

- Churn 1st June
The Downs: South of Blewbury 17 Corn Bunting: 14 singing males counted between end of metalled road (Woodway) and the Ridgeway with another 3 in the immediate vicinity of the Ridgeway. SU5383. The Downs: South of Blewbury 2 Curlew: SU5383. The Downs:...

- Dix Pit March 7
Caspian Gull 1 first winter Yellow legged Gull 6 Intriguingly one of these, a third winter showed a streaked hood and other features very reminiscent of L.m atlantis Herring Gull,Lesser and Greater Black backed Gull, Common Gull and Black Headed Gull...

