Farmoor Reservoir 13th September

Farmoor Reservoir 13th September


Ruff 2 m & f
Common Sandpiper 1
Dunlin 2+ (per The Wickster)
Black tailed Godwit 1
Northern Wheatear 1
European Stonechat 1m

Black Audi Birding

- Farmoor 17th August
Bar-tailed Godwit 3 along causeway (a.m only) Black-tailed Godwit 2 over Redshank Common Sandpiper 2+ Dunlin 2 (per Dai & Geoff Wyatt)...

- Farmoor A.m 25th August
Black-tailed Godwit still Dunlin 8+ Ringed Plover briefly Turnstone (h) (per The Wickster) Black-tailed Godwit courtesey of Julian Mole....

- Farmoor Mid Afternoon 11th December
Freezing fog and much reduced visibility. In the gloom made out the following: Falcated Duck 1 Mallard 324 Gadwall 6 Northern Shoveler 2 Common Pochard 16 Tufted Duck 150+ Common Goldeneye 12 Eurasian Wigeon 11 Common Teal 7 Slavonian Grebe 1 Little Grebe...

- Downs Churn/blewbury 4th October
European Stonechat 1m Common ChiffChaff 8+ Lesser Black Backed Gull 1000+ on newly following ploughed land Swallow 2 Black Audi Birding...

- Otmoor 20th September
Ruff Dunlin Green Sandpiper 4 Black-tailed Godwit 2 (per Peter Coombes) Merlin Ashgrave (per Peter Coombes) Whinchat 1 (Noke) Wheatear 3 Yellow Wagtail 3...

