Dix Pit March 7

Dix Pit March 7

Caspian Gull 1 first winter
Yellow legged Gull 6
Intriguingly one of these, a third winter showed a streaked hood and other features very reminiscent of L.m atlantis
Herring Gull,Lesser and Greater Black backed Gull, Common Gull and Black Headed Gull
Goldeneye 8
Little Egret 3
Raven 2

Cormorants already beginning nest building on the island

- Standlake Pit 60: 10th January
Standlake Pit 60 5 Little Egret 14:00. 5 Pintail: drk. 14:00. Goldeneye drk Treecreeper 14:00. 9 Lesser Black-backed Gull: ad. winter. on floods W. of Pit 60. 14:00. 3 Common Gull: ad. winter. on floods W. of Pit 60. 14:00. 327 Black-headed Gull: on floods...

- Farmoor 17th August Evening
Peregrine 3 Dunlin 2 common sandpiper 2 yellow wagtail Barn Owl Sparrowhawk Per Dave Lowe & Andy last Yellow-legged Gull 54+ Common Gull Great black-backed Gull (per Lew)...

- Dix Pit 3rd February
Great Black backed Gull 16 Yellow legged Gull 4 Red crested Pochard 3 Common Goldeneye 10 Siskin 10 Lesser Redpoll 1 All the usual ducks - Common Pochard/Tufted Duck/Northern Shoveler/Eurasian Wigeon/ Eurasian Teal/Gadwall/Mallard...

- Farmoor Gulls
Another evenings cachophony of courting Black-headed Gulls totalling ? - so estimated at 15-20,000 which is what I also reckoned last Sunday. Around 600 L B-backs, 10 Common, 1 tiny Herring Gull, 1 adult winter Little Gull hawking amongst a massive...

- Port Meadow 29th October
1 lesser yellowlegs 1 ruff 4 dunlin c. 400 golden plover 1 yellow-legged gull 2 greater black-backed gull 2 common gull 2 snipe 1 egyptian goose (leucistic bird) (c) Nigel Forrow ...

