Farmoor Gulls

Another evenings cachophony of courting
Black-headed Gulls totalling ? - so estimated at 15-20,000 which is what I also reckoned last Sunday. Around 600 L B-backs, 10 Common, 1 tiny Herring Gull, 1
adult winter Little Gull hawking amongst a massive fly emergence and 1
adult Med Gull not bothered about much; thus showing the extent of hood reaching down the neck, in comparison to BH Gull, is still viewable when the rear of bird hidden by others in the roost (as this bird was initially). 1
Oystercatcher over F2 and
24 plus Pied's (no
alba)taking the walking approach to harvesting the
diptera feast along the causeway. Must dispute claim on Adam's excellent Birding Diary that
Cormorants are "just not that attractive" (at least when seen in good light) and I leave it to others to decide whether this bird is a
carbo or
Farmoor - 25th March
F.2 Roost: First winter Caspian Gull (different to last weeks bird). Juvenile Iceland Gull. 2 adult Little Gulls on F2 @ 16.45. ...
Farmoor - Sunday Roost
4.50-6.30pm. Light not good for distinguishing gulls (sharp light plus some initial air shimmer over water). Very noticeable increase in large gull numbers, since last few visits and large gulls still arriving at 6.25. Med Gull 1 adult seen when it flew...
Dix Pit March 7
Caspian Gull 1 first winter Yellow legged Gull 6 Intriguingly one of these, a third winter showed a streaked hood and other features very reminiscent of L.m atlantis Herring Gull,Lesser and Greater Black backed Gull, Common Gull and Black Headed Gull...
Great Views Around Appleford Pit Gulls
402 Canada Geese with 2 Greylags arriving together certainly made the gulls shift to the goose free side, but this chap and his large dog circling the lake in full view had not the slightest effect on anything ! So great views of Iceland flying around...
Adult Med Gull In Farmoor Roost
No Twite; No GG Shrike but an Adult Med Gull in the roost instead, photographed here at ISO 3200 setting near dusk i.e. more noise than sharpness but interestingly arty nevertheless. Roost also had plenty of G B-backs, Lesser Black-backs - varied intermedius...