Black Redstart Oxford 17th Jan

Black Redstart Oxford 17th Jan

'The last two days at work have been greatly improved by the presence of a
Black Redstart seen hawking and perching on the south wall of Tom Quad, Christ Church.'

(Jane Nelson Oxonbirds )

- Black Redstart - Wallingford
A Black Redstart around St Mary-le-more Church in the centre of Wallingford today, on the church and in the graveyard. (per RB).  Photo courtesy of Grzegorz Hebda ...

- Oxford, 12th November - Black Redstart
A female Black Redstart was seen briefly by Martin Townsend (the county moth recorder) in his garden in south-east Oxford on Tuesday. It may be worth checking out some likely spots near by. ...

A kingfisher seen at the fountain in the main quad of Christ Church College, Oxford, at 12:00 today. The bird flew back over the college towards the river. (per Tommaso Pizzari)...

- Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill
1 Black Redstart 5 Wheatear                                   Black Redstart                                  ...

- Waxwings 25th February
10+Waxwings Oxford, Christ Church Meadows this p.m (per Phil Barnett)...

