Caspian Gull at Appleford yesterday

Caspian Gull at Appleford yesterday

By way of some light relief from Waxwings, a 2nd winter Caspian Gull visited the Spit Pit briefly yesterday. This bird has been seen on and off since the beginning of October.

Paul Chandler reports the 10 Waxwings are still present this morning in Waitrose car park, Wallingford.



- Appleford Spit Pit 30th November
Tom Wickens has just called to say that not only is the 1st winter Caspian gull on the Appleford Spit Pit this morning but also there's a 1st winter Iceland gull there....

- Port Meadow 4th March
1 Glaucous gull - "Glauczilla" the 2w bird again 1 Caspian gull - 1w again briefly 1 red-breasted merganser - the usual red-head 12 goosander 5 redshank 4 dunlin 5 shelduck By popular request (blame Badger) here's the 1st winter Caspian gull from...

- Appleford 3rd February

- Waxwings 23rd December
c. 21 Waxwings still on Colwell Drive, Witney at 11:30 (per Keith Clack) Single Waxwing trilling at top of tall tree by our garden drive this morning in Kingham (per Ewan) One Waxwing in Marlborough Place, Eynsham mid-morning (per Bird Guides) 19 Waxwings...

- 4th December: Appleford Glaucous Gull
Jason Coppock has texted to say that there's a Glaucous gull (prob. 2nd winter) currently on the Spit Pit at Appleford. NB the level crossing is currently out of action so you need to approach from the Didcot end The bird flew off from the pit shortly...

