Wallingford: Wallingford Bridge: 1st July

Wallingford: Wallingford Bridge: 1st July

Wallingford: Wallingford Bridge
5 Sandwich Tern: Flying up the Thames calling loudly then gained height & flew south. 19:55.

Jed Cleeter

- Wallingford: Town Centre: 10th November
Wallingford: Town centre Ring-necked Parakeet: Moving between Poplar trees on the Kinecroft. David Simmons...

- Ring-necked Parakeet
Ring-necked Parakeet at Wallingford Bunkfest site on the Krinny yesterday morning. Then flew to the Bullcroft. ...

- Oxon 7th April
Redstart (male) Toot Baldon today. (per Phil Barnett) Garden Warbler at Farmoor this afternoon. (per Dai Johns) Osprey Wallingford near the Thames Barley Close. (per BJWYT OOS) Hen & Marsh Harriers on the south Oxon Downs today. (per Rog Wyatt) 3 Mealy...

- Goingbirding: 28th March
Wallingford 2 Grey Partridge: A first-ever garden tick!. David Lovegrove ...

- Goingbirding: 23rd March
Wallingford 14 Yellowhammer: m + f. Feeding on the seed scatter in my back garden. David Lovegrove ...

