Oxon 7th April

Oxon 7th April

Redstart (male) Toot Baldon today.
(per Phil Barnett)

Garden Warbler at Farmoor this afternoon.
(per Dai Johns)

Osprey Wallingford near the Thames Barley Close.

Hen & Marsh Harriers on the south Oxon Downs today.
(per Rog Wyatt)

3 Mealy Redpoll reported in Freeland.
(per TPO OOS)

- Henley 26th October
A Short-eared Owl, being mobbed by corvids, flew high west over the Thames into Oxon  near Remenham in Berks at 3:30 p.m. today per Adam Bassatt...

- Wallingford 29th October
Black Redstart Wallingford on Barley Close (per RBA). Sent from my iPhone...

- Otmoor.a.m. 28th October.
No sign of the Dartford Warbler in the South Pill Grounds today (per Phil Barnett) Kite & Harrier courtesy of John Reynolds 1 Marsh Harrier 1 Merlin (F) also seen nr Pill ground (Steve Akers) 1 Peregrine (per Steve Akers & John Reynolds) 1 Jack...

- Sedge Warbler 25th March
Sedge Warbler c1.5mls South of Abingdon along river Thames. (per Phil Barnett)...

c80 Waxwings SE of Oxford by A4142 Eastern Bypass Road at Oxford retail Park in Premier Inn car park late afternoon. (per Phil Barnett) A single Waxwing over the Bunk Line, south of Wallingford, at lunchtime today. (per R.K.Broughton Oxonbirds) 10 Waxwings...

