
c80 Waxwings SE of Oxford by A4142 Eastern Bypass Road at Oxford retail Park
in Premier Inn car park late afternoon.
(per Phil Barnett)

A single Waxwing over the Bunk Line, south of Wallingford, at lunchtime today.
(per R.K.Broughton Oxonbirds)

10 Waxwings yesterday Henley on Greys Road opposite Saracens Head Pub at 12.10p.m
(per R.B.A)

- Waxwings 23rd Feb
20+ Waxwings Abingdon feeding on berries outside 106 Saxton Road 08:00a.m. More could be heard. (per The Wickster) 11 Waxwings west over the University Parks (Office window tick!) at 14:42(per Steve Bell)38 Waxwing Headington Churchill Hospital near car...

- Waxwings 14th Feb
100 Waxwings Abingdon still along the Wooton Road near the 'One Stop' shop 07:45 (per B.B) 17 Waxwings by 08:30 (Steve Clark) Around today there was a flock of 50 waxwings in the trees opposite Sainsburys at Heyford Hill on the Oxford...

- Waxwings Saturday 22nd
Flock of 30 Waxwings seen at 4pm Arthur Evans Close, Wootton. (per Richard Ballard) 11 Waxwings Oxford opposite Westgate car park this afternoon (per R.B.A) A single Waxwing at noon today perched on a rooftop on Beauchamp Road, Temple Cowley, before it...

- 15th January - Waxwings
08.30 am; 13 Waxwing in tree's around Donnington Playing Field Small groups have been showing briefly in the area of Cavell Road over the past week. (per Steve Roby) 13+ Waxwings on Oxpens Road, same position as yesterday but mobile. (per Steve Goddard)...

- Waxwings 22nd December
13 Waxwings in Cumnor along the Oxford Road near the bridge over the A420 at 8.25a.m (per Dai Johns) 30+ Waxwings in Witney over the bottom end of Corn Street heading west at 08.50a.m (per Keith Clack) 80 Waxwings just flew over Ashurst Way towards Rose...

