Henley 26th October

Henley 26th October

A Short-eared Owl, being mobbed by corvids, flew high west over the Thames into Oxon  near Remenham in Berks at 3:30 p.m. today

per Adam Bassatt

- Otmoor.a.m. 12th November.
1 Short-eared Owl (Greenaways being mobbed) 1 Sparrowhawk 1200+ Golden Plover (Noke End) 4 or 5 Stonechat....

- Henley Rd & Sonning Eye Gp's 26th Feb
Henley Road and Sonning Eye G.P.s  26th Feb Smew 10 ( 2 drk, 2 1st wint drk ) 7 Sonning Eye 3 Henley Road Red Br Merg 1 Henley Rd Goosander 6 (4 drk) 3 S.E, 3 H.R Scaup 1 drk S.E. Pintail 1 drk H.R. Little Egret 1 S.E. Hugh Netley...

Crane Update 25th March Gloucestershire   3 Cranes Whitminster flew S/E over M5 j13 at 11:30am 25th March Oxfordshire          3 Cranes flew north over Farmoor Res 18:19pm 25th March Oxfordshire         ...

- Otmoor Nov 1st
Short-eared Owl 2 Peregrine Water rail (per Terry Tossel) Short-eared Owl yesterday near Cholsey. Over my patch [nr Cholsey] on Sunday afternoon at 17.15 - a silhouette appeared from near the river Thames, flew over the paddock, buffeted by the strong...

- 25th And 26th
25th 3 Ravens and 1 parakeet Henley on Thames 26th 5 Parakeets Sonning Eye Hugh Netley...

