Otmoor Nov 1st

Otmoor Nov 1st

Short-eared Owl 2
Water rail

(per Terry Tossel)

Short-eared Owl yesterday near Cholsey.

Over my patch [nr Cholsey] on Sunday afternoon at 17.15 - a silhouette
appeared from near the river Thames, flew over the paddock, buffeted by the
strong wind, then, over me WSW and on towards the A329, flying directly over the
TOTAL garage and then up Halfpenny Lane, presumably to the downs...

Mike Amphlett (Oxonbirds)

2 Short-eared Owl seen near Eynsham over the weekend.

- Otmoor: 16th April
Redstart (male) Hopping in and out of blackthorn onto path near first screen. Short-eared Owl Merlin Peregrine Little Ringed Plover Cuckoo calling from near carpark field. Peter Coombes Otmoor: RSPB reserve Curlew: NW of Greenaways. Short-eared Owl 2...

- Otmoor 24th Jan
Short-eared Owl 3 Raven Redpoll 1 (on niger feeder) (per Terry Tossel) Otmoor Birding...

- Otmoor 17th January P.m
Short-eared Owl (over Greenaways and then the Closes) Woodcock (flew over Greenaways and reedbeds) Brambling m (in hedge behind feeders) (per Terry Tossel) Otmoor Birding...

- Otmoor 10th January
Car Park Field p.m Short-eared Owl 2 Barn Owl (per Terry Tossel) Otmoor Birding...

- Otmoor 20th Dec
Peregrine (Greenaways) Merlin (Ashgrave) Short-eared Owl 2 (Closes) (per Terry Tossel & Paul Greenaway) Otmoor Birding...

