Otmoor 20th Dec

Otmoor 20th Dec

Peregrine (Greenaways)
Merlin (Ashgrave)
Short-eared Owl 2 (Closes)

(per Terry Tossel & Paul Greenaway)

Otmoor Birding

- Rspb Otmoor Webs 17th December
Total counts from the December WeBS. The breakdown of numbers in each field are also shown: Little egret 4 (2 Ashgrave, 2 Closes)Grey Heron 7 (2 Malt Pit, 2 Big Otmoor, 2 Greenaways, 1 Ashgrave) Mute swan 22 (5 Flood, 7 Malt Pit, 4 Big Otmoor, 4 Greenaways,...

- Rspb Otmoor Webs (unofficial) 29th Oct.
Lapwing 587 (12 Closes, 75 Greenaways, 500 Ashgrave)Snipe 2 (1 Closes, 1 Ashgrave)Golden plover 14 (13 Big Otmoor, 1 Ashgrave)Redshank 2 (2 Closes) Greylag geese 158 (158 Closes)Canada geese 383 (2 Closes, 1 Flood, 380 Ashgrave)Moorhen 6 (3 Closes, 3...

- Otmoor: 16th April
Redstart (male) Hopping in and out of blackthorn onto path near first screen. Short-eared Owl Merlin Peregrine Little Ringed Plover Cuckoo calling from near carpark field. Peter Coombes Otmoor: RSPB reserve Curlew: NW of Greenaways. Short-eared Owl 2...

- Otmoor 15th November
Short-eared Owl 5 (together over The Closes.Singles seen over Ashgrave and Car park field so possibly 7 birds) (per Nick Suckling) Hen Harrier 2 (both Ringtails) A pair of Ringtails seen in front of second screen and then over reedbed and boundary hedge...

- Otmoor 8th November
2 Short-eared Owl 1 Merlin Also a few thousand Starlings in roost tonight. (per Terry Tossel) Otmoor Birding...

