
Crane Update

25th March Gloucestershire   3 Cranes Whitminster flew S/E over M5 j13 at 11:30am
25th March Oxfordshire          3 Cranes flew north over Farmoor Res 18:19pm
25th March Oxfordshire          3 Cranes Otmoor 19:15pm
26th March Oxfordshire          3 Cranes Otmoor 09:30am before flying N/E
26th March Bucks                   3 Cranes flew north over Little Horton c12:00pm
28th March Suffolk                 3 Cranes Minsmere RSPB flew over car park then
                                                 circled over at 4.25p.m.

(c) Paul Greenaway

Cranes over Otmoor

- Letcombe Bassett: 22nd February
                                          On the downs nearby;                       ...

- Otmoor.a.m. 16th October.
                                                            Bittern (per John Reynolds)   ...

- Otmoor 22nd September
Hen Harrier (ringtail) Ashgrave 17:20   Then over the reed beds 17:40 & 18:40                                                ...

- Radley 19th September
No further sign of the Wryneck by early evening.                                                    Stonechat along perimeter...

- Otmoor. Evening.
Shelduck.  (juv.)From the Bridleway.          Marsh Harrier.                                          1 Hobby (per Joe...

