Otmoor 11th April

Otmoor 11th April

Big Otmoor early evening:
Ringed Plover 4

Curlew 6+
Yellow Wagtail
Swallow 10+
Willow Warbler 4


No sign of immature Spoonbill this morning.
Marsh Harrier
Sedge Warbler
Lots of Hirundines

(per The Massive)

Sand Martin courtesy of John Reynolds Waders by Badger

- Farmoor: 15th May Evening
Black-throated Diver Still present F1 then F2 close to the causeway. 20:10 (per Simon Ramm) There are some concerns to the health of the diver. Evening 1 Dunlin 1 Sanderling 1 Ringed Plover + 1 unwell looking B T Diver Ringed Plover (c) Stephen Burch...

- Otmoor 14th April
Little Ringed Plover 2 Ruff Dunlin Grasshopper Warbler (Reedbed) Reed Warbler Sedge Warbler Willow Warbler Chiffchaff Blackcap Swallow Sand Martin House Martin Sparrowhawk (per Barry Batchelor, Terry Tossell & RSPB Otmoor) ...

- Otmoor Am - 13th April
Wheatear by BadgerRing Ouzel (m) Long Meadow 14:45 (per Bark) but no further sign by 17:00 Willow Warbler 4+ Chiffchaff 5+ Blackcap Little Ringed Plover: Big Otmoor 2 Ruff: Ashgrave then Big Otmoor early evening 4-5 Sedge Warbler: Noke End 2 Northern...

- Farmoor Reservoir: 16th September
White Wagtail (juv) Caught by Matt Prior and shown during the ring demo. 2 Sanderling (juv) 3 Dunlin Sand Martin: One seen early morning. 300 House Martin: Varying numbers all morning but at some points well over 300. 25 Meadow Pipit: Steady flow of birds...

- Otmoor 10th April
Marsh Harrier Female seen flying over the reedbed before flying off high S/E at around 10:30 Wayne Bull Lesser Whitethroat singing from near the car park Whitethroat Grasshopper Warbler Sedge Warbler Reed Warbler Cuckoo Yellow Wag (per Pete) 3 Garganey...

