Otmoor AM - 13th April

Otmoor AM - 13th April

Wheatear by Badger
Ring Ouzel (m) Long Meadow 14:45 (per Bark) but no further sign by 17:00
Willow Warbler 4+
Chiffchaff 5+
Little Ringed Plover: Big Otmoor
2 Ruff: Ashgrave then Big Otmoor early evening
4-5 Sedge Warbler: Noke End
2 Northern Wheatear: Lower Farm, Noke

- Otmoor.a.m. 16th March..
C.200 Golden Plover (Big Otmoor) 5 Dunlin (Big Otmoor) 2 Curlew (Greenaways) C. 80 Redwing (Noke Farm) 10 Fieldfare (Noke Farm) 1 Chiffchaff (Bridleway) 1 Treecreeper (Car Park)....

- Otmoor 8th January
Bearded Tits  - Heard calling from the bridleway in the reed bed towards Noke. c100 yds before Noke turn where the hedge ends and you can see the reeds. Peregrine -  Big Otmoor Pintail - 9 on Big Otmoor Little Egret  - Ashgrave Stonechat...

- Otmoor 18th April
Marsh Harrier f Whinchat m Noke Farm Wheatear f Noke Farm Grasshopper Warbler 2 (Per Bark) Sent from my iPhone...

- Otmoor: 29th April
Otmoor Merlin: male. Seen twice flying from Ashgrave To Big Otmoor then 20mins later flying back to Ashgrave each time being mobbed by Lapwings. Hobby: Noke. Sparrowhawk: male. 10 Wheatear: In field with black sheep (Noke farm). Whinchat: male. In...

- Otmoor 20th April
2 Lesser Whitethroat Malt Pit 1 Garganey Ashgrave (JH) Good numbers of: Sedge warbler Blackcap, Willow warbler Chiffchaff Wheatear First lapwings have hatched. David Wilding 2 Reed Warbler by vols hut along bridleway 2 Grasshopper Warbler in the Car Park...

