Farmoor: 15th May evening

Farmoor: 15th May evening

Black-throated Diver Still present F1 then F2 close to the causeway. 20:10 (per Simon Ramm)
There are some concerns to the health of the diver.

1 Dunlin
1 Sanderling
1 Ringed Plover
+ 1 unwell looking B T Diver

Ringed Plover (c) Stephen Burch

Swift c250
Swallow c10
House Martin c10
Sand Martin 1
Little Egret 4 feeding from vegetation filter bed.
G C Grebe 68 on F1 plus 87 on F2
Early pm - hirundines departed with cloud

(per Ian Smith)

Black-throated Diver (c) Stephen Burch

Sanderling 2 (per RBA)
Dunlin 2
Ringed Plover
Yellow Wagtail

(Per Badger, Ralph Watts et al)

Sanderling photo courtesy of Gareth Blockley

Dunlin courtesy of Jonathon Mercer

- Farmoor Res 12th September
Little Tern 5 09:35 but no further sign by 10:14 (per Dai & Steve Burch) Black Tern 4 (increasing to 6 early evening per Dai) Yellow Wagtail 6 Including one Blue-headed. (per Anthony Cheke) Ruff 1 juv m Dunlin 1 juv Ringed Plover 1...

- Farmoor Res 20th May
Black-throated Diver still present in N/W corner of F2 20:02 (per RBA). Sanderling 2 along causeway (per RBA)....

- Farmoor: 16 May
This photo unfortunately apparently shows a wound in the birds belly (lower right) Black-throated Diver (c) Stephen

- Otmoor 11th April
Big Otmoor early evening: Sanderling Dunlin Ringed Plover 4 Oddington: Curlew 6+ Yellow Wagtail Swallow 10+ Willow Warbler 4 (Badger) No sign of immature Spoonbill this morning. Marsh Harrier Sedge Warbler Lots of Hirundines (per The Massive) Sand...

- Farmoor 27th April
 Grey plover & 9 black-necked grebes this morning (per Dai John) ...and female Montagu's Harrier over the car park at 12:55 (per Ian Lewington) Also 2 Wheatears on F1, 8 Common Sands, 100+ Swift 3 Dunlin 1 Sanderling 1 Grasshopper Warbler...

