Otmoor, 16th am

Otmoor, 16th am

Flock of 8 Fieldfares on hedgerow along the north end of Barn.

- Churn 19th September 2015
Northern Wheatear 8 European Stonechat 3 (2m 1f) Whinchat 1 Linnet/Goldfinch flock 100+ (mainly Linnets) Yellowhammer flock 16 Meadow Pipit flock 80+ Common Whitethroat 2 Blackcap 1 Common Chiffchaff 7+ Barn Owl 1 Eurasian Sparrowhawk 2 Common Kestrel...

- Shilton, Burford 22nd November
Paul Sims writes: "Flock of Fieldfares 1000 + seen near Shilton, Burford.   In hedgerows/trees near flooded fields.  No binoculars available with me so may have been a mixed flock with Redwings etc.  Also a Lesser Spotted...

- Abingdon Midday Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher in hedgerow with many vertical dead thin branches, around half mile upstream of Abingdon Lock on left bank. Map link on 'hedgerow' word. ...

- Otmoor 03/04/12 Am
44 species recorded on the reserve this morning. Including: Ruff (on Greenaways) White-Fronted Goose (on Big Otmoor) Large flock Fieldfare (on Barn) Sparrowhawk with prey along Bridleway near Big Otmoor Water Rail (Heard) Quite a few pairs of Gadwall...

- Fieldfare Thursday 13th October
Tony Edwards from Aston reports a flock of Fieldfares numbering in excess fifty individuals.Alongside the great Brook toward the Buckland road end....

