Shilton, Burford 22nd November

Shilton, Burford 22nd November

Paul Sims writes: "Flock of Fieldfares 1000 + seen near Shilton, Burford.   In hedgerows/trees near flooded fields.  No binoculars available with me so may have been a mixed flock with Redwings etc.  Also a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker seen with them outside the flock, very windy weather, difficult to be certain."

- Otmoor 7th February
                                                   Nice flock of Linnets around the hide          ...

- Foxholes Bbowt 29th December
Raven 1 Woodcock 2 Marsh Tit 4 Great Tit 24 in one flock feeding in leaf litter Mixed flock of 40+ Chaffinch/Yellowhammer/Reed Bunting  feeding in game cover Bullfinch 9 Lesser Redpoll 1 Goldcrest 3 Nuthatch 7 Great Spotted Woodpecker 1...

- Otmoor 22nd September
Hen Harrier (ringtail) Ashgrave 17:20   Then over the reed beds 17:40 & 18:40                                                ...

- Radley 19th September
No further sign of the Wryneck by early evening.                                                    Stonechat along perimeter...

- Otmoor. Evening.
Shelduck.  (juv.)From the Bridleway.          Marsh Harrier.                                          1 Hobby (per Joe...

