More Otmoor pictures 12th March

More Otmoor pictures 12th March

Lapwing takes off from Big Otmoor

Golden Plover in flight over Big Otmoor

Golden Plover & two Dunlin in flight over Big Otmoor

Redshank record shot - Big Otmoor

Goldfinch - Roman Road

Brown Hare on the Bridleway (from 27th Feb)

All photos (c) Nigel Forrow

- Otmoor.a.m. 11th March.
1 Black-tailed Godwit (Big Otmoor) 5+ Dunlin (Big Otmoor) C. 500 Golden Plover (Big Otmoor) 10+ Curlew (Greenaways) 1 Raven (over)....

- Otmoor.a.m. 18th December.
15+ Snipe (Reedbeds) C. 1000 Lapwing (Big Otmoor) 300+ Golden Plover (Big Otmoor) 1 Pr Stonechat....

- Otmoor Pictures 2nd April
Garganey on AshgraveLapwing acrobatics over Big OtmoorSinging Chiffchaff, one of several along the BridlewayWillow Warbler with insect, Car Park Field Weekend round-up at Otmoor Birding Butterflies seen along the Roman Road:Speckled Wood (picture)Comma...

- Otmoor Pictures 12th March
Curlew in flight over Greenaways Long-tailed Tit - Bridleway Reed Bunting singing - Greenaways Merlin record shot - Greenaways Comma butterfly on the Roman Road All photos (c) Nigel Forrow...

- Otmoor 27th Feb
A belated posting of some images of the more common birds seen at Otmoor on Sunday. Also Brown Hare (on the bridleway), Roe Deer, Muntjac and a possible Water Vole (unfortunately too close to photograph - it was inside the minimum focussing distance of...

