Otmoor pictures 12th March

Otmoor pictures 12th March

Curlew in flight over Greenaways

Long-tailed Tit - Bridleway

Reed Bunting singing - Greenaways

Merlin record shot - Greenaways

Comma butterfly on the Roman Road

All photos (c) Nigel Forrow

- Otmoor.a.m. 18th March.
1  Marsh Harrier (Reedbeds) 1 Sparrowhawk (Greenaways) 20+ Snipe (Greenaways, one Snipe drumming) 2 Curlew (Greenaways) 10+ Dunlin (Big Otmoor) 10+ Chiffchaff 2 Oystercatchers (Big Otmoor) 1 Peregrine (Greenaways) 19 Redshank (Noke Sides). 1 Cetti's...

- Otmoor A.m. 5th December.
10+ Yellowhammer (car park field) 6 Dunlin ( flying, Big Otmoor) 1 Merlin (Greenaways) 2 Sparrowhawk (Greenaways) 1 Peregrine (Ashgrave) 5 Snipe (Greenaways 3 Water Rail (calling, bridleway).         per T.S.& P.G....

- Otmoor 13th March
Raven: Flying over first screen, calling. Hen Harrier: Hassling Snipe over Greenaways. Merlin: Flying overhead over Greenaways towards Beckley. Black-tailed Godwit: Distant but definite on Greenaways. Steve Goddard...

- Otmoor Pictures 2nd April
Garganey on AshgraveLapwing acrobatics over Big OtmoorSinging Chiffchaff, one of several along the BridlewayWillow Warbler with insect, Car Park Field Weekend round-up at Otmoor Birding Butterflies seen along the Roman Road:Speckled Wood (picture)Comma...

- Otmoor Pictures 19th March
Chiffchaff on the Bridleway Buzzard dogfight over Big Otmoor Merlin on a frosty Greenaways Treecreeper on the Bridleway All photos (c) Nigel Forrow ...

