Otmoor 27th Feb

Otmoor 27th Feb

A belated posting of some images of the more common birds seen at Otmoor on Sunday. Also Brown Hare (on the bridleway), Roe Deer, Muntjac and a possible Water Vole (unfortunately too close to photograph - it was inside the minimum focussing distance of my lens) were spotted but no otters.

All photos (c) Nigel Forrow

- Otmoor 10th March Pm
15 Curlew over the reedbeds by 1st screenRedpoll still at the feeders(Muntjac Deer on the Roman Road) photos (c) Nigel Forrow ...

- Grey Phalarope In Flight At Farmoor
A belated posting from Saturday 21 Jan. Photo (c) Nigel Forrow. ...

- Otmoor Pictures 2nd April
Garganey on AshgraveLapwing acrobatics over Big OtmoorSinging Chiffchaff, one of several along the BridlewayWillow Warbler with insect, Car Park Field Weekend round-up at Otmoor Birding Butterflies seen along the Roman Road:Speckled Wood (picture)Comma...

- Otmoor Pictures 19th March
Chiffchaff on the Bridleway Buzzard dogfight over Big Otmoor Merlin on a frosty Greenaways Treecreeper on the Bridleway All photos (c) Nigel Forrow ...

- Otmoor, 23rd Oct
Sparrowhawk (in reed bed, 1st screen)Kingfisher (fly-past, 1st screen)Green Woodpecker (near RSPB hut, Greenaways)Brown Hare (path near hide, Ashgrave) Green Woodpecker © Nigel Forrow Sparrowhawk © Nigel Forrow ...

