Milcombe 6th Feb

Milcombe 6th Feb

Mealy Redpoll 3
Lesser Redpoll 12

but no interesting doves at Chippy

- Oxford Kidneys Nr 24th March
Mealy Redpoll 1 with two Lesser Redpolls  but Mealy should be reduced to subspecies again as DNA studies in 2002 & 2008 show it isn't a valid species, whatever Alan Knox says. Anthony Cheke Oxford Kidneys NR...

- Mealy Redpoll 5th March
Mealy Redpoll still coming to feeders in Milcombe garden this morning. Viewable from footpath SP.409.348 Photo's at

- Milcombe Mealy 18th Feb
Belated report and photo of the Milcombe 'Super' Mealy Redpoll taken last Friday by Steve Burch. (c) S.Burch

- Milcombe 10th Feb
The 'Super' Mealy Redpoll still present at Milcombe 10:35am (per Pete Barker)...

- Milcombe 5th Feb
11.00 - 13.00 Mealy redpoll 1 Lesser redpoll 10+ Treecreeper 1 GS wood 2 Yellowhammer 1...

