Milcombe Mealy 18th Feb

Belated report and photo of the Milcombe 'Super' Mealy Redpoll taken
last Friday by Steve Burch.
(c) S.Burch
Oxford Kidneys Nr 24th March
Mealy Redpoll 1 with two Lesser Redpolls but Mealy should be reduced to subspecies again as DNA studies in 2002 & 2008 show it isn't a valid species, whatever Alan Knox says. Anthony Cheke Oxford Kidneys NR...
Mealy Redpoll 5th March
Mealy Redpoll still coming to feeders in Milcombe garden this morning. Viewable from footpath SP.409.348 Photo's at
Milcombe Saturday 5th February
The "super-mealy" still present this morning (per Keith Clack) and again present at 14:35 as well as a probable second mealy. (per Badger)...
Milcombe Redpolls
11:30 to 13:30 today - No sign of the pale 'super mealy' (I like that term) for me but a photographer there had seen it earlier and got a decent shot so it is still in the area. Also another chap saw what he was pretty sure was it before it flew....
Milcombe Wednesday 2nd February: Mealy Redpolls
Both Nic Hallam and Ian Lewington have informed me that the top right-hand bird in the video is in fact a mealy redpoll as is the one in the photograph below so although I didn't find the "super-mealy" there were at least two others around! 4+ lesser...