Milcombe 10th Feb

Milcombe 10th Feb

The 'Super' Mealy Redpoll still present at Milcombe 10:35am
(per Pete Barker)

- Milcombe: 3rd November
Milcombe 8 Common Crossbill: Mixed male/female flock of 8 birds on private land nr. Milcombe. Richard Hazel...

- Mealy Redpoll 5th March
Mealy Redpoll still coming to feeders in Milcombe garden this morning. Viewable from footpath SP.409.348 Photo's at

- Milcombe Redpolls
11:30 to 13:30 today - No sign of the pale 'super mealy' (I like that term) for me but a photographer there had seen it earlier and got a decent shot so it is still in the area. Also another chap saw what he was pretty sure was it before it flew....

- Milcombe Wednesday 2nd February: Mealy Redpolls
Both Nic Hallam and Ian Lewington have informed me that the top right-hand bird in the video is in fact a mealy redpoll as is the one in the photograph below so although I didn't find the "super-mealy" there were at least two others around! 4+ lesser...

- Mealy Redpoll At Milcombe
Thanks to Richard Hazel for alerting us to the presence of this stunning bird and for permission to use his excellent photos. There has been a Mealy (Common) Redpoll visiting a niger feeder in a garden at Milcombe village for the last week including...

